Sunday, September 27, 2020

CZU Lightning Complex fire


The 2020 California CZU Lightning Complex fire burned more than 86,500 acres in Santa Cruz and San Mateo Counties.

The Bosch Baha'i School, located off Empire Grade in the Santa Cruz Mountains, had significant loss of cabins and other structures. The main buildings were spared and there was no loss of human life..


Destroyed accommodations.

Looking West towards the Pacific Ocean.

Erfan's tour.

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Value of Things is Relative

After Baha'u'llah's death, an official in Haifa--having been bribed with items belonging to Baha'u'llah by usurpers of 'Abdu'l-Baha's authority --had  Baha'u'llah's prayer beads in his hands. 'Abdu'l-Baha immediately recognized them.

Perhaps taunting 'Abdu'l-Baha, the official asked, "How much do you think these beads are worth?"    

"It depends in whose hands they are." 'Abdu'l-Baha answered.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Stars and Saguaro


Stars and Saguaro, Arizona

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Valley of Search


And what of the advent of Judaism's "Lord of Hosts"; Christianity's "Return of Christ in the glory of the Father"; Islam's "Great Announcement"; Buddhism's Maitreya Buddha; Hinduism's new incarnation of Krishna; and Zoroastrianism's "Sháh-Bahrám"?

"Consider the past. How many, both high and low, have, at all times, yearningly awaited the advent of the Manifestations of God in the sanctified persons of His chosen Ones. How often have they expected His coming, how frequently have they prayed that the breeze of Divine mercy might blow, and the promised Beauty step forth from behind the veil of concealment, and be made manifest to all the world. And whensoever the portals of grace did open, and the clouds of divine bounty did rain upon mankind, and the light of the Unseen did shine above the horizon of celestial might, they all denied Him, and turned away from His face—the face of God Himself."  -Baha'u'llah


Wednesday, September 2, 2020