Friday, December 14, 2012

Ustad Isma'il knew Detachment from this World

Ustad Isma'il knew detachment from this world

A devoted follower of Baha'u'llah was the old man, Ustad Isma'il, who had been a master builder in his native Persia, and who had walked from his homeland to Akka despite his advanced age to be near the object of his devotion. At that time, however, by official decree, it was not permitted for Baha'u'llah to receive visitors, and Baha'is would hope to catch a glimpse of the Blessed Beauty at his cell window from across the moat.

Owing to Ustad's feeble eyesight, however, he could not see the hand of Baha'u'llah waving to him and tearfully, he turned away, brokenhearted. Eventually, however, restrictions were relaxed, and Ustad Isma'il attained the presence of Baha'u'llah, and he was content to live out his life living in a cave on Mount Carmel, earning a living as a peddler, selling needles, thimbles and other notions from a small tray.