Saturday, May 6, 2017

New Sidewalk

The Fruitless Cherry in the parking strip in front of my house lifted the sidewalk and became a liability to me, as the city assumes no responsibility.

I painted warnings at the problem areas, hoping the considerable foot traffic would take notice and prevent bodily injury. 

The tree was cut down and the roots ground  just as it reached full bloom.  It had never been more spectacular in its 43 years.

I'm relived that the sidewalk in front of my house is safe in spite of the cost.

I've been working on the curb appeal for 16 years, including eliminating the telephone pole and lines from view.

The City required me to plant a new tree, and from their list, I chose a Pin Oak.  The contractor planted a Northern Pin Oak, which has subtle differences that I can live with. This is what it will look like in 60 years.  I'll be 130.

In a strange coincidence, I met the man who planted the Cherry trees along my street.  While delivering a boulder from his landscape supply yard, he remarked that he had planted the trees in 1974.  He told the City at the time that the trees would cause problems, but the City ignored his concerns.

While this fellow was planting the tree in front of my house and on my street, I was planting trees at Monterey Peninsula College.  

A dear one, whose office was just out of view to the right, gave the little road a name.